
Broadly speaking, my current works examine when and how leaders use state apparatus to repress opposition in authoritarian countries. In this venture, I combine innovative quantitative methodologies with in-depth interviews and fieldwork.

Published or Forthcoming

  • Yusuf Evirgen. 2019. ‘Political Islam in Tunisia: The History of Ennahda’ Insight Turkey, Vol. 21, No.1, pp. 235-237

Under Review & Working Papers

  • A Gift for an Autocrat: Failed Coup (Work in progress)
  • More Violence More Rewards: Appointment of Governors and Chiefs of Police in Turkey (With Merve Kurt – Work in progress)
  • Mobilization Under Populist-Authoritarian Government: Women’s Movement in Turkey (With Merve Kurt – Work in progress)
  • The Role of Local Government in Refugee Integration Policies: A Comparative Analysis (With Rabia Karakaya Polat – Work in progress)